Rolling Thunder #4 (CrimethInc.)

this was the one i was going for in the first place. i haven't yet finished reading the other three issues though. to be honest, i don't really think i'll ever read them profoundly. i just fell for the lay-out and the poem on the cover.
Society Of The Spectacle (Guy Debord)
vally introduced me to this one. i started reading the printed text he had in his apartment. i'd love to understand the full meaning of this book, but i already know it'll be hard pill to swallow. Debord writes small paragraphs that function almost as puzzles and it's hard to decipher its meaning sometimes. i hope i will manage someday. come
to think of it, maybe it wasn't meant to be deciphered or have any meaning at all. damn confusing situationists.
Expect Resistance (CrimethInc.)

yet another crimethinc. publication. i just bought this blindly, hoping it will inspire me as much as Days Of War, Nights Of Love did. it has to be said that this collective features some of the best writers in the 'genre'. Never sounding to academic or elitists, but always thought-provoking and inspiring. come to think of it, maybe i should translate their text's to dutch someday and do my part in spreading these ideas.
Anarchy In The Age Of Dinosaurs
i don't know what this is about. it was cheap. it had a nice title. it consist mainly of stories i think.
The Philosophy Of Punk (Craig O'Hara)
i bought this one to get some inspiration for my paper (which should be almost finished, but is far from..). i'm already halfway, it's a rather easy read. but i don't know if it will be of much assistance. i haven't found too much in-depth philosophy yet in this one. the guy just discusses some currents in punk and distances others from them.
(but i wonder if anything will ever happen if i just keep reading this stuff?)
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