There's a new issue of Kino available. I have to admit that my part in this project seems to diminish with every issue, but for this one I mostly blame the fact that it kind of revolves around Silas' mild obsession with Japanese culture. The guy spent a month in Tokyo with a girl he barely knew, putting most of us couch-adventurers to shame by pure guts. Anyways, the result is nothing less than awesome I think, with a trip report, the usual socialy-aware columns, interviews (Heaven In Her Arms, Birth, Envy and the not so Japanese-like Zann) and a couple of reviews (some of which I actually wrote!). If you're interested, please pick one up: Kinozine
Also, pick up one of these if you have the chance. There's an awesome article about monsters in it. Plus some other elitist-hardcore (or not so) rambling. Tales Of Shatou

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